Monday, September 15, 2014

Economic growth is the pre-requisite for the development and means of development. Economic growth is the basic and pre condition of development. It is the creation of nation’s wealth. Economic growth promotes average per capita but equity, redistribution, poverty, reduction issues do not get addressed. The raising of income level is called economic growth. Economic growth means more outputs and more productions. More than 5% of GDP growth desirables for smooth eco-development. It is the means for development. Economic growth occurs where there is an increase in the actual amount of goods and services produce in a year. Economic growth is necessary to secure food and satisfy the basic needs of peoples.
Economic Growth

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Development is a process of change. Development means overall transformation of rural people. Development needs to address the expectation and interest of people. Development is defined as the elimination of poverty, inequality and unemployment of a growing economy. Development represents a transformation of society and traditional ways of dealing with education, knowledge to more modern ways. Change is not an end in itself, but a means to other objectives. Changes which are associated with a development to enhance the improvement of under developed counties. Without change no development work would be possible. Development is an art of mobilizing people for the sustainability.

Water is one of the most important and precious of natural resources and supply of clean water is essential for the survival and health of most living organisms. The earth is the only place in the universe where liquid water exists in substantial quantity. Oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers and other liquid water or solid water covers more than 70% of our world surface. Water is the largest natural resources of Nepal. It is used for drinking, bathing, washing and cleaning, agriculture, hydropower generations, religious and recreations values and different forms of eco-tourism. Like other natural resources, source reduction, recycling and regeneration policy could help the conservation of water resource. Water resource can be managed and conserved to a large extent by watershed management.
Water Resources

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