Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The difference between man and animal is the creativity, imagination, idea, etc. it has. A man can create, invent, draw artistic work, and produce new tangible and intangible objects. For this purpose, s/he invented capital, time, effort and knowledge. So, it is logical that the creator has ownership over the creation. The effort should be protected and rewarded. The effort involved to create is termed as “intellectual” and the creation is “property”. It does not include any thoughts, religion and news, folksongs, folktales, and general data. It should be in existence and in tangible form and possible to express. Simple imagination, thoughts cannot be an intellectual property. The idea behind this intellectual property is to identify the tangible and intangible aspect of a product and realize the intangibles as products. 

The intellectual property right is not only about conferring property rights, it is about recognition and respect for the contribution of human creator. The creativity, design invention of a product is the right of intellectual people. Intellectual people created a product as producer is producing the product. A buyer buys a book, for example, not the creation of an author. To buy a product does not mean to buy design, model and creativity. The industrial property right includes patents right, trademarks, design, geographical indication, etc. The intellectual right over the literary work is related to the office of Nepal Copyright Registrar’s Office (NCRO) under the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The office of NCRO provides legal right or ownership of literary works such as books, articles, speech, tables, etc.


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