Sunday, March 22, 2015

Consumer is one that consumes, especially one that acquires goods and services for direct use or ownership rather than for release or use in production and manufacturing. It is the study of buying behavior of ultimate consumers who buy products for personal or household use. It involves consumer decision making. The person, group of persons, or receiver of the company offer termed as customers. Consumers are the king of the business. Now modern management believes that success of business depends on customers.
Marketing satisfies the wants of target customer or consumer. Marketers must understand how consumer or customer select buy, use and dispose products. They must know their consumers. It can be a person, group of persons or an organization. They are the other part of the exchange process. They have need and utility of the firm products. Their willingness, desire makes exchange possible. They are the ultimate reality of business world. Cash or money required for the rural development. Customers of rural products are government, local government and local people.
A market research factor, a description of the personal, demographic and psychological characteristics of the specific item s or service user (includes education, occupation, home location, precious buying patterns, credit rating, etc.)


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