GIS is a computer system designed for the acquisition,
management, manipulation, analysis, modelling and display of geo referenced data
for solving complex planned and a managed problem of natural resources. GIS is
an interdisciplinary technology. GIS technology was developed in Canada. GIS
system in regional planning.
GIS technology is adopted by different organizations in Nepalese
context, different departments, research institutions like Department of Forest
and Soil Conservation, Department of Survey, Department of Geology, Local
Development, Ministry of Population and Environment, different organizations
relating to Urban Development. Department of Agriculture, ICIMOD, and many
GIS technology is used for land capability classification,
land use study as planning, activity relating to urban planning, service center
location, different types of environmental studies, different types of
environmental studies, different types of hazardless studies, preparation of
different types of maps, different types of infrastructure development relating
activities, different types of population studies and many more.
The application of GIS has made the natural resource management
activities effective and reliable. It makes the decision makers to make
decision formulate policies and strategy developing models.
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