Livelihoods are also about creating and embracing
new opportunities. A livelihood is considered to consist of the possessions, actions,
and privileges that enable people to make a living. Possessions may consist of
natural resources, aptitudes, information, assistance, and employment
opportunities. It is important to realize that assets are not only natural resources,
such as land-living, marine, fisheries, crystals, but they may also include
social, political, human, physical and financial dimensions. Actions are things
that people do to gain a living and these will usually be based on available
assets. Activities may be based on acquired information and assistance, thus
education and training has a prominent position in a sustainable livelihoods
approach to sustainable development. Information and assistance may also be
acquired through traditional, cultural processes. Entitlements refer to those
things that people may rely upon because of legal or customary rights. It may
include the mutual the mutual support structures that are often included with
village life in many different cultures. It brings all relevant aspects of
people’s lives and livelihoods into development.
Rural livelihood is defined as the process by which
households construct a diverse portfolio of activities and social support
capabilities for survival and in order to improve their standard of living. Having
alternatives for income generation can make the difference between minimally
viable livelihoods and destitution. The diversity of livelihoods is an
important feature of rural survival but often overlooked by the architects of strategy.
In this sense, diverse living systems are less susceptible than expanded ones. A
livelihood is environmentally sustainable when it maintains or enhances the local
and global assets in which livings depends. It may include the mutual the
mutual support structures that are often included with village life in many
different cultures. It brings all relevant aspects of people’s lives and
livelihoods into development.
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